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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Friday, July 15, 2011

I’ll be darn

Here I thought I knew a lot about the do’s and don’ts of day to day life with cancer and boy was I surprised.  First of all, one of the remedies I was taking was ‘Apple Cider Vinegar RAW’ and my doctor rolled her eyes.  They had told me to stop taking it and I just assumed that it was during the period when my white cell counts were low in case it had bacteria… well no, it is forever.  Amanda, please tell your Mom “Sorry Gayle S., I tried.”

Also to my surprise I have to put in this category all fruits and vegetables that can’t be peeled or boiled to death.  Why?  Because by day 14th when my white cell count is up, it needs to stay up for the next round of chemo and can’t be fooling around with bacteria…  So lettuce, grapes, potato skins… all bye, bye…  Another reason is that as time passes my white/red cells will NOT regenerate as fast as they should do to the prolonged chemo.  Thanks to Randy V. I should be okay because he showed me yesterday an ‘ancient Chinese’ exercise that will help stimulate the white/red cell growth.  Did I tell you that Cancer sucks?

I also re-remember something I wanted to bring to your attention, have you noticed how most medical providers (nurses, doctors, receptionist…) are on the very heavy side?  Not just a bit chubby but ‘HEAVY’ well, as it turns out, it is our fault ‘the patient’ because as a sign of gratitude we bring them food, mostly sweets like donuts, cake, cookies… as they help us, we need to help them so let us start a new trend and bring a thank you card, funky socks, pens (they always loose theirs) no balloons because of oxygen tanks and no flowers because of bacteria, gift card to Starbucks or Target… How about that for an idea?

Well not much to write as I need to finish my daily prayers and move around to forget that I just got chemo…  And talking about prayers, please remember to pray for Michael as he needs strength to continue making it at the center and for Miss Magnolia the Great who is scheduled for the angiogram next Wednesday…  and and and for a cure for cancer.

Long live Harry Potter

Love y’all,



  1. There is so much mis-information about what's good and bad, so it's helpful that you pas along wjat you learn. Hope all is going as well as possible.


  2. Jennifer Romero-Pieron and Michelle Gripon like this..

    Luisa Jones-Parra Keating Yikes, this also means no SUSHI? FOR EVER? don't think so

    Betina Jones-Parra Remember sushi means rolled, not raw. Just pick cooked sushi. Try the cowboy over at O'Fusion.

    Michelle Keating Leach California rolls AND your fave... Eel are cooked! Also the cath lab appt is Wednesday. :)

    Luisa Jones-Parra Keating Thanks

    Jennie Fleming Well put and oh so true. Love ya and miss you too

    Barbara Vettor Get well wishes after this chemo treatment. Praying for michael and Magnolia the Great. ♥

    Jennifer Romero-Pieron sounds like shrimp boils are still okay, since you boil the hell out of everything!
