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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Friday, July 8, 2011


Okay so the last blog didn’t do much for you did it?  No one likes to be told to eat healthy, or stop/reduce alcohol or sweet drinks like sodas.  I was not saying that you have to, just recommending that you should start so that it is not as difficult as it has been for me. 

Shshhhhh, I got the cold shoulder treatment on that one.  You might want to go back to that blog because my one and only comment from Dave is actually a pretty good recipe.

Well, not sure if this blog will be any better as I mentioned on my last blog about changes and one of the things I briefly mentioned was forgiveness. 

Remember, ‘CANCER LOVES STRESS’ and ‘ANGER CAUSES STRESS’ therefore ‘CANCER LOVES ANGER’.  I use to be the worst at forgiving and probably still am to an extent.  They should have made me a crown for being the queen of ‘holding grudges’, in some cases for years.  But as life goes on and you start analyzing situations then you realize that not all the people that made you angry did it on purpose, and when you are in my situation, it is even less relevant spending time being angry. 

Anger is usually caused by someone because they hurt you, either directly or indirectly and while you hurt, the word forgiveness is almost impossible to even pronounce.  Some people hurt you because they are plain mean but fortunately enough these type of people are few, the ‘devil-made-them’ do it.  Most of the people that hurt you did not really mean to do it; sometimes you even caused it yourself.  

So here is my knowledge transfer: There are big pains and little pains, do not dwell on the little pains regardless of who caused them, it is not worth it specially if that makes one cancer cell laugh… nope, if possible let the person know that their action was hurtful in hopes that they do not do it again, take a deep breath or say a prayer, forgive them and move on. If you can’t tell them, then still take a deep breath or say a prayer, forgive them and move on.  If the pain caused is big, the kind that won’t let you sleep at night, then you have to sort it out and fast.  My Dad use to say, “there are two types of problems, the ones that you can fix so go do it and the ones that are out-of-your-control so learn to live with them” , do your best to fix the problem and release the pain and forgive the person, if nothing else so that you can sleep.  And of course, take many deep breaths or say loads of prayers for them and for you. 

Now what to do with the ones you can’t fix or the big ones caused by mean people…  Here is what I have done, ‘turn it over to God’ and if that is not you then take ‘gigantic breath/meditate/go for a run’ and set them aside, pretend the person does not exist, remove them from your day to day life.  Once the pain has subsided… then analyze the situation, you will be surprised that when you break it down into pieces, there are many problems that you can fix and you can learn to live with what is left.  

It is at this point when you forgive, pray or meditate and move on.

My wish for you today is that you are the one forgiving and not the one needing forgiveness.

Love yah,



  1. Good advice Luisa, I can't think of anything I would add to it.


  2. Ahhh forgiveness. That's a tricky one, isn't it? I read in a book once that the highest form of forgiveness was not to be hurt to begin with. If you don't allow people to hurt you (by understanding that we are all just doing the best we can with the baggage we are carrying) then there's no need for forgiveness at all! Hard to do but worth to practice!

    Love you, love you, love you!

    (and don't assume that no comments means that we don't like what you are saying)

  3. Barbara Vettor
    ....it was basically agreeing with you and your Dad's approach to problems and I also said that many years ago, someone said, "Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the other person die." That made me laugh but it's so true! Resentment, worries, stress, not worth having nd they don't fix anything. Easier said than done! At least we know it's true! Hugs!

  4. Beth King Dorsey, Mary Kane and Sue Tiedeman Cubberley like this.
