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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good vs. Bad

Why is it so easy to be bad and so hard to be good?  This statement can apply to many things but today I am referring to eating and drinking.  I always had some of the worst eating and drinking habits of anyone.  For over 15 years I ate 3.2 pounds of peanut M&M a week for breakfast and lunch, I drank at least 2 rum&pepsi's a night and smoked cigarettes.  At the time, I was so proud of never getting sick and I would tell people “When germs come into my body they would say, there is nothing left and leave”, so I never got colds, stomach flu or anything…that is until I got this thing called cancer. 

Now, I am trying real hard to be good, I stopped eating M&M in 2005 and stopped smoking in February of 2009.  I can’t remember when was the last time I had a rum&pepsi or even a Cosmo.  Mostly staying away from alcohol because of the sugar, remember as I said before “sugar does not cause cancer but if you have cancer, it feeds from sugar”.  Water to me is disgusting, I have a new water filter thanks to ‘Robert L. Ewing, Inc./Shaklee’ and it makes it a bit better but I still have to put some fresh squeezed lemon and ‘xylitol’ instead of sugar.  Fresh fruit juice is pretty good but it needs to be fresh and can’t have it between days 4 to 14 from chemo because of bacteria.  When you are going through chemo, your white cell count goes down and you are not able to fight bacteria of any kind so fruit and vegetables, even organic is a big NO unless you can boil the life out or it.

Talking about organic, yes I am trying that too.  My goal is to start buying organic as my current food supply runs out, but some of that stuff is hard to swallow.  Again, I am trying but I can taste the organic green bell peppers and they are not good.  The organic meet and chicken is very expensive, so far I have not had to buy it since my supply was pretty big.  Hopefully when is  time to buy more meet or chicken, my palate has gotten use to the organic vegetables.  In the meantime, we do eat and enjoy ‘wild fish’.

And finally here come the pills and other medications.  Back in the days, a multivitamin was all we took, now I take extra vitamins that my ‘over 55 multivitamin’ lacks, such as A, E, C, Be…, plus breast cancer pill, plus pills to soften effects of the chemo, plus my alternative medicines like the Essiac Tea (which does taste like dirt) and the  Aloe+honey.  In total about 16 in the morning and another 6 in the evening.

Please know that eating and drinking healthy is not a guarantee that you will not have an illness.  So the ‘knowledge transfer’ is, start eating and drinking healthy today so that it is easier to go from ‘bad habits’ to ‘good habits’ when you have no other choice.  Once you have conquer this, then you can start applying the ‘bad-to-good’ life changing event to other cases such as judging others, or bad language, or even forgiveness…

Be good today and every day, just saying.
Love y’all


  1. Luisa,

    Read today's post and since you discuss diet, I figured I'd send you a recipe. Here's a very easy recipe for Broccoli Soup that you might want to try. It's a snap to make.

    1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    1 Clove Minced Garlic
    3 Tablespoons Tomato Paste
    6 Cups of Water
    1 Teaspoon Salt (or to taste)
    Fresh Ground Black Pepper to taste
    A Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes (optional)
    1 Package Frozen Broccoli Florets
    2 Cups of Short Pasta (like elbows) or 1 cup of Linguine/Spaghetti broken into small pieces
    1/3 Cup Grated Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

    Sautee the garlic in the olive oil briefly then add the tomato paste, water, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes; bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Add the broccoli, cover and cook 5 minutes. Mix in the pasta and cook for 10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with the cheese.

    This recipe combines two antioxidants, cooked tomato and broccoli. According to Dr. Oz:

    "Broccoli, like all cruciferous vegetables, contains sulfuraphane, which has been shown to protect against cancer by inhibiting and activating certain enzymes to stop cancer development" and "Cooked Tomatoes have more cancer-fighting properties than raw tomatoes. Both contain the molecule lycopene, but heating the tomato changes its chemical structure and makes the benefits more readily available to your body."

    I've been working at cooking healthy since the mid-90's, reducing fats, carbs, red meat and sugars in what I cook. I think you are smart to pay attention to what you are putting in your body. My best to you,


  2. Hi Luisa,

    I wanted to say something about this and hopefully give you a little hope. I think you will grow to like organic foods, you are just not used to the real flavor of things. I look at it the same way as with some ethnic foods. Indian food for example, I love Indian food as served in the U.S., but once I had an Indian student (the nephew of one of the guys who owns Misal of India) cooked me some real traditional Indian food and I thought it was awful. Well, it's just that I really like my americanized faked Indian food because that's what I know. Also, remember how we all used to only eat white bread? It took me a while to get used to whole wheat bread, but now, I can't imagine white bread, ughhh!

    I think that you will learn to like it and maybe even prefer it!

    Miss you tons and love you even more!

  3. Vicky Fernandez Love you Luisa! Keep writing the way you do!!! Didn't know you are such a good writer!

    Ana Cristina Lapera Totally agree with Vicky! Love your "knowledge transfer" and your try to be good advice. Take care!

  4. Jennifer Romero-Pieron likes this.

  5. Chelsea Chandler
    I love your blog. You are truly a blessing! And you have no idea how much you make me smile Love you!
