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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Friday, November 25, 2011

I have faith that in the end it will all work out…

Did you all have a Happy Thanksgiving?  I did, we had 14 people and the food and company were excellent.  Once you have a holiday when someone is missing then you appreciate and treasure that much more every time you can all get together.

I know that some of my friends and even family members do not believe in the power of God and some even get chills when I talk about my faith but please know that without it, I have nothing.

I have faith that in the end it will all work out, my insurance website clearly says that they do support clinical trials as long as it is approved by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).  The NCI website clearly reports my trial as approved… so in the end, once the right person from MD Anderson calls the right person from Tricare/Humana and the paper work is submitted it will be approved and I will start the trial… but what about the time lapsed, that is my concern now.  Since I have stopped taking the alternative medicine I have greater back pain and less energy, and as I said before my next concern is the cancer spreading.

I was told a few months back that if the chemo worked, I could have 18 months to 3 years of life and if the treatment did not work, the statistics were 6 months.  As we know the chemo did not work.  My greater concern is that while undergoing chemo, the tumor in the adrenal gland doubled in size and it went from one tumor to three.  This clinical trial is not a cure for cancer but the hope is that it slows down the process and gives me a few more years.  You know what that means right?  If it works you will have to put up with this blog for a bit longer…  I pray.

Anyway, since my last blog I have to tell you what my amazing friends have done.  One sent a message to Anderson Cooper who is a daytime show host.  Another friend got on the phone and contacted the National Cancer Institute then sent me the emergency number to call for patient advocate for both the NCI and MD Anderson.  Another even sent a message to Ellen DeGeneres asking for help.  And of course the many of you who send me uplifting and supporting messages plus the ones that continue to pray.

I am glad that this time of the year is not called ‘Giftgiving’ or ‘favorgiving’ or ‘moneygiving’ because I could not afford that kind of giving but since it is the season for ‘Thanksgiving’ I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and prayers. 

And one more thing, we (I) can’t let the ‘evil one’ distract us from the events of the coming week as Friday, December 2nd  is a big court day for Michael and this is so much more important to me then my own health.  This hearing will show us which way the court system is leaning in regards to Michael’s fate.  The lawyers tell me that it will take a miracle, but since I believe in miracle I will continue to ask till the end: first, that Michael does NOT go to jail and second, that he is not charged with a felony.  Thanks for praying with me.

Love y’all,

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