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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wish list?

Or check list, or Bucket list, or things I want to do before????  It does not matter what you call it but they are pretty popular now.  I remember as a child like around 12 years old, all I wanted was to someday get married and have children.  It was that simple, I am sure that on a daily basis I had different wishes, like maybe having a friend visit, or maybe just not have homework but I remember the wanting to get married.

That I did and did well and also had children and did great, then what…  Again on a daily basis you wish for your family to have good health, for a good day, or a promotion or more money but those are not the same as the BIG wishes.

Unfortunately, the big ones come and go as life moves on and most of the times we do not do anything about it.  Now going back to an old post, if you can make it happen, then make your dream come true sooner rather than later, but if you can’t control it, then stay wishing!!!!!

Ummm, nope, I have a problem with that.  The best thing you can do is let your love ones know…

Ha, ha, ha

So when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, my sister Ligia asked if I had a wish list of things to do before I died, not that she or I believed I would die any time soon; in either case I said I would love to go to Vegas and see a show some day and maybe go to a nice place to eat and drink and walk the strip…  Well, this past weekend, my dear sister took me to Vegas and we did all of that and more.  I even did IN-N-OUT burger.  Thanks Ligia for making it happen, thanks Paul Z for the Le Reve tickets, thanks Paul (Ligia’s old boss) for the IN-N-OUT burger and Chandelier drinks at the Cosmopolitan, thanks Thor and Megna+husband (Ligia’s current boss and co-worker) for Dinner.  You all made it possible for me to ‘check’ that line on the wish list…  Now what?

Okay, to be honest, here is where it gets tricky as I no longer have items that I can make happen in my wish list and it will take for the most part, an act of God for them to come true. 

I would love for my son to be free and become a productive member or society
I would love for Maggie’s Corpus Callosum to appear and for her grow up to be a beautiful healthy girl
I would love for cancer to leave my family alone
I would love someday to go back to Venezuela and see my friends (all of them)
I would love to either go visit or be visited by friends every month
I would love to be loved so much by so many 

You are reading this and saying, gosh, this is not possible and you can’t help me, but that is why I said two things above ‘let your love ones know your wishes’ and ‘Act of God’ so please let us all repeat my wishes together every day you can, every time you can and they will come true as the power is in the numbers…  Or you can even sing it if you can find a tune… as it is written in this one little book Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Thanks and Love y’all,



  1. Oh Luisa. How I wish I was there in person to hug you and tell you I love you. I hear what you're saying. Cancer be damned! Your blog entry was very good. Are you still in Colorado? - Audrey Watkins

  2. Wishing all your wishes as my own!
