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Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Benefits of Fitness when dealing with Cancer

The Benefits of Fitness When Dealing with Cancer
Written by David Haas

Dealing with cancer can be an overwhelming task. Aside from the physical aspects of treatment and surgeries, it can also be emotionally and mentally exhausting. Frustration, depression and exhaustion build up over time, making it difficult to keep happy and positive around friends and family. Exercise is one of the key ways that cancer sufferers can deal with the influx of emotions that such a devastating disease brings about. Here are just a few of the benefits that exercise throughout the various stages of diagnosis, treatment and remission:

Improved Mood: Many men and women report having what can best be described as a "cloud" hanging over them after receiving a cancer diagnosis from their doctor. This might persist well into treatment. A proven way to lift the spirit is through physical activity. The endorphins released after a tough workout will make anyone happier, and can help to improve the mood and perhaps even bring a smile to someone's face.

A Sense of Control: Having cancer means for many people an increased reliance on others. You might need you spouse to care for you, your parents to drive you to and from countless appointments, or your friends to bring you meals and check in one you. Over time this can make someone feel less then capable. By incorporating exercise into the daily routine, a patient is able to have a sense of control about their situation. Even a short walk around the neighborhood can make someone feel as if they are in charge of their own life.

Improved Self-Esteem: Both cancer and the various treatments for illnesses like lymphoma, mesothelioma and ovarian cancer, among others, can be devastating to the interior and the exterior of the body. Surgery might leave scars, and lack of exercise or appetite might leave a once strong body weak or overweight. Exercise results in more lean muscle mass, and helps the body to look and feel better. By including even a short amount of moderate exercise into the day, a cancer patient will be able to have improved self esteem when they look in the mirror.

Can Control Nausea: One of the most dreaded side effects of cancer treatment is the nausea that accompanies chemotherapy and radiation. Exercise can reduce those effects, bringing a higher quality of life to patients.

By including exercise in the daily routine of a cancer patient, they can reap major benefits and feel better about themselves as well as their chances for recovery.

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