Our dear friends Charlie and Linda stop by as a surprise again and stayed with us one night, short but I’ll take it. My dear friend Lynne Poppe, who I have not seen in a long time, came to stay with us a few days, I was too sick to really enjoy the company but was glad she was here to keep Pat company. My sister Betina got tired of me turning down dates to meet for lunch that her and Ricky decided to buy lunch and bring it over, now that was clever.
The other day Gayle and Vel Dimery came for an hour or so and brought us some movies to see and vanilla shake, nice… very nice. Earlier in the year Katy Wakeham and Rhonda Lundberg came for one night and it was like girls sleep over since the guys were out in California. Just a few days ago Katy, Dirk and Connor stopped by for dinner as they were doing the college tour, it was nice to have a relaxing evening. Oops almost forgot to mention that my sisters Leslie and Delia came to visit on their way to Colorado and they stayed and extra day just to spend it with me. Plus my dear local friends Diana and Maureen who came to visit and we just had some nice conversation. Life is good.
And of course Michelle brings Maggie over 2 or 3 times a week which makes me so very happy and my dear sister Ligia comes over for a bit every day.
So you see, I love visitors since I can’t go to you, please come to me, and if you can’t then go visit someone that is sick and bored and tell them I sent you.
This week is a big week in court for Michael because is when the judge makes a decision on the charges and of course I want them to agree that this was a terrible accident but not a felony so loads of prayers and good vibes are needed… and if you are in southern California on Friday morning and do not have much to do, they could use your presence in court for moral support.
Love y’all,
Thanks for continuing to write. It feels like I am visiting with you... if you add up all the hours people are thinking about you or reading your posts or blogs, you would hardly have any spare time!