Once rested and around 10:00, I would then take a shower and if enough energy put on cream all over my body to protect the burned skin… sometimes I have to lay down between shower and getting dress because I am coughing too much or too tired to keep going.
Usually by 11:00 I am ready to get into my big chair and after I am finished with my prayers I basically stay here until it is time to go to bed. I will get up here and there but not much as I have used up most of the daily energy and sometimes the bottom of my feet are so burned that it hurts to walk. Now some days, if I am doing really well, I get to cook dinner or at least get things going, do laundry or dust and clean a shelf or bathroom… those are the really good days. I look forward to having good days because I feel like I have done something productive.
The not so good days are similar except that after taking my morning pills, I would rest before the shower and then rest before putting the cream on and then go to my chair for the rest of the day.
And then the really good for nothing days, I will get up to take my pills and then go back to bed until about 4:30 and then get up to try to eat something.
But once in a while I can go out, last week we went to visit some Venezuelan friends (the Pradas’) for about an hour and a couple of days ago we went to Louie’s for dinner… Days like those are golden.
I will be going to Houston this weekend for test and to see the doctor, we will see if the trial is working, at least keeping the cancer from growing and decide if it makes sense to continue the trial or go to plan B. As you know I was pulled off the trial until my skin recovered from the chemical burn caused by the drugs. I re-started a week and a half ago with reduce dosage on one of the drugs and unfortunately I have noticed that my hands, face and feet are starting to show the burn symptoms again, so maybe this trial is not for me after all. I will let you know the answer next week.
For those that are following Michaels’ events, the hearing became another postponement as the family of the diseased girl was not able to attend, but a few things did take place that were not so good and we need loads of prayers. The family presented an impact statement that was definitely against Michael, the judge removed himself from the case (long story) and the probation report although good, can’t recommend probation when there is a fatality so all and all it was not a good day. Tomorrow Friday, Michael goes back to court to get a new judge and date assigned to the case… This is a nightmare.
My dear son, Michael says he ‘Can’t give up yet’, well neither will I…
Love y’all,
it is such a wonderful gift to others that you write about your situation and share this with us. Wishing you and your family a reversal of fortune in a big way!