When I first was diagnosed with Lung Cancer a couple of years ago, the statistics were only 20% make it beyond the 5 year mark. I of course believed that I was in that percentage. After chemo, surgery and radiation we found out that my cancer had mutated and had spread to several places.
Bummer, now the statistics were 6 month to 18 month of life and all depends if I respond to treatment. This is when I took matters into my own hands and started all the home remedies that everyone and anyone had been telling me about plus medical treatment but needless to say, I did not respond and my cancer grew. Now I really was in the 6 months left.
I took more drastic measures and headed down to MDAnderson and went through a clinical trial, these pills knock me down to my knees and I was willing to continue to some extent but the burning and itching was a bit much. I did noticed in the past few days that I had some lumps popping up around my neck, chest, underarm and leg so I kind of knew in my heart that things were not going my way but it still hurts when you hear it from the doctor. The cancer has really spread, the treatment is not working and there is even a possibility that some of the tumors are breast cancer as well. Now what… Well, there plan B is for me to go back to my oncologist here in Norman and go back to chemotherapy of a couple of drugs that I have already had and did not work in the hopes that it keeps the cancer at bay.
This is what my head tells me that she said (in a very sweet voice) nothing we can do go back home. Anyway, I feel like a pingpong ball so here I am. My appointment is this coming Thursday and we will see what they have to say.
Reality, sometimes is looking straight at you and you close your eyes not to see it. I will continue to close my eyes and wait for that miracle that we are praying for but if case God is saying ‘NO, not this time’, I will start getting all my affairs together, we will try to travel and see as many friends as possible before the time comes.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, I do feel them. I do not respond to them most of the time but I do appreciate them. My family is the greatest and you are all awesome friends.
Love Y’all,