Today I got and e-mail with a message that I like ‘God's Love Is Not Dependent On E-Mail!! ’ . The main reason why I like this is because I am superstitious, don’t want to admit it but I am, so when I get those THREATENING e-mails saying send this now or else… I delete them before reading the ‘or else’ in hopes that the punishment will not hit me if I do not know what it is.
Honestly, at the beginning of my ‘cancer adventure’ with all the following nasty events, I thought for a moment that one of those e-mails got me. Fortunately for me, I love God, prayer, Michael the Archangel and positive thoughts more than superstition and know that it is not possible but come on, do you really forward those e-mails? Please take me of your mailing list.
When I see one with a message that I like, I delete the part of ‘send this to X number’ and ‘in so many minutes’… even if the outcome is ‘you will have a miracle in X days’. Can you do that?
This way we will truly feel free to send messages that are inspiring to those that we think might enjoy reading them.
Once again today’s message is not related to cancer cure, or treatments but if you are like me, with a small doubt or superstition then it is related to Expiration Date? NOT YET.
Love y’all,
PS. And for picture, I am putting Maggie with the new Uggs that I made her… how about that?
Love those Uggs! Lydia