Are you sure? Well, I bet you do. Do you know how annoying it is to be at a gathering and have someone not shut up? It bothers me and reminds me that I do not want to be like that person. Then before I know it, I find myself talking away. We need to be more kind to others and ourselves and take turns, my goodness.
Honestly, the worst part is that most of the time the people that do not shut up, all they do is talk about themselves or things no one cares about. And you know why I think it is so annoying? because it takes away our chance to talk about ourselves and our silly stories.
Even worst are those that interrupt you… just when you finally got a chance to say something, they interrupt because their version is better than yours or whatEver….
When my friend Connie was here, this worked out pretty good because she was here for over a week, so in the beginning either her or I would take the center stage on a story or a subject… boring or not, we let each other talk and by the time she left we had covered almost everything imaginable, including solving other people’s problems.
But when you only see someone for a cocktail, a dinner or a party, there isn’t enough time for center stage… and why does it have to be I, me, my…
One thing I am starting to exercise is to use a third person even if it was me. For example, ‘there was an article in the paper the other day that said that bla bla bla’. There was no article and it was my opinion but it is better received when is not all about what I think or say. Don’t you think?

Anyway I am not sure why I felt the need to write about this as it has nothing to do with cancer, or the weekend but in a show last night the one guy wouldn’t shut up and then this message came to my head.
So in summary, don’t take the center stage for the whole evening, don’t just talk about yourself, make any topic colorful… or you will watch people walking away from you. Get the message?
Love y’all,
I "read in an article" that what you said about talking too much is very true and has so many effects on people and events! It turns out to be my humble opinion too. I am facing this scenario every day at work, with someone talking w/o stopping. The person admits that the constant talking needs to be corrected, but the next time, it's the same. 1/2 hr meetings turn into 3 hr meetings, and then we have 3 less hours to do the job. Your post has given me comfort and a sense of support in validating what I "read in the article"> LOL! Thank you, Luisa, this was so universal. Now I better shut up! LOL! hugs to you!