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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guest Blogging for my Mom

I always feel like a blog has "made it" so to speak in the blogging world when they are popular enough to acquire a guest blogger.  So I'm just helping my mom's blog "make it big" in the blog world I suppose.  I'm sure I'm not doing this how she would, but it's been a long day so bare with me :)

My mom spiked a fever last night, called the emergency line and was immediately prescribed some antibiotics with the understanding that she would check in this morning for a blood check.

As I understand it, she went to her doctor this morning to check in for a blood test and was then sent to the hospital for a CT scan.  (This process took several hours, which she was unable to eat or drink anything, so when I showed up in the timeline she was really feisty.  She complained to the tech doing the scan and he held her hand and comforted her through the whole thing.  A redeeming factor somewhat but she was still super hungry).

The concern is that she's developed severe vena cava.  What the heck does that mean?  I googled it and read from this website.  Who knows if it's helpful or not, it helped me in the moment to read about it.  From what we understand, it could be a tumor pressing on her esophagus preventing her from swallowing and even breathing.  Laying flat last night was one of the worst things she could have done because it prevented her from breathing.  So a sleepless night for my mom and dad.

We are still unsure at this point if her fever is a symptom of this syndrome, or an infection, so she's on antibiotics just in case.

They will be keeping her overnight and she will have a consult with her oncologist in the morning on the CT scan taken today.

She asks for lots and lots of prayers.  Prayers for a good night sleep and for the swelling to go down.

Just to share a quick sweet moment, she had difficulty eating dinner and requested all liquids.  She got cream of chicken soup and boost (like ensure).  Which to me sounded and looked gross.  She looked so excited and was so thankful for it.  Love that she has the most positive perspective always.
And since she always includes pictures.  Here's one of two of her loves at the recent music festival.

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