Before I start on ‘educating’ I want to once more thank each one of you for your support, prayers, messages, calls, cards, visits… Lesson learn, be good because people are watching. YIKES!!!
Now a few things that I assumed people new but realize now that they might not:
1. When you have a port and it is flushed it taste HORRIBLE.
2. When going through brain radiation, hold your breath or you smell the laser frying your brain.
3. When getting a Neulasta shot in a weak body, you hurt like hell for 3 or so days.
4. If you do not like to take pills, get over it and take them before you need them… before the symptoms tell you to take them… This way you are in control.
5. Your hair will change, get over it. Choose hat, scarf, wig or plain boldness and smile.
6. Keep your mouth clean, brush often and rinse lots… worst bacteria ever.
7. No fresh flowers, no fruit or vegetable that can be pilled or boiled to death… second worst bacteria ever.
8. Have lots of yogurt, watermelon, ice cream, ensure, small bottles of juices, good water, a piece of good dark chocolate handy, sometimes you just need a little something.
9. When you are feeling good, cook a lot of freezing type food, so dinners are easy (spaghetti sauce, chili, meat loaf, stuff bell peppers) and when this is not doable then get lots of menus from favorite restaurants an call it in.
10. Love everyone; love hard because that is what will keep you going and laugh, laugh, laugh… just don’t let the tummy ache.
And now I might get corny for some but stay with me:
Love God, you don’t believe in God, no problem… What do you love? What do you think makes good? Call it what you want or don’t but I don’t have a follower or reader who is not good in my eyes and even my angels on earth. You can’t change how I view you so get over it.
So if my logic is correct and all of you are good, and I think that God is ALL good then like it or not I KNOW YOU BELIEVE. Now with that concept out of the way, please stay good as I will like to see you in the other side.
PS. Don't forget to read my daughters blog Leach Love that can be found on this screen to the left... she writes better than I do...
Love y’all,
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