It is me again, I know, I know, I ask for a lot but it is New Years Eve and today is the biggest wishing day of them all… and believe it or not I only have one request…
Please grant all my friends wishes for the coming year.
So many people look at a new year as a good thing, they have hopes that it will be better than the last one and look at the year gone by as a bad thing. Do you realize that the fact that you can say good bye to a year and hello to a new one it itself is a good thing?
Not all made it, I lost some very special friends this year and although I miss them, the fact that they are now my angels in heaven makes it a bit better for me.
Now, I can’t count the year because that is 365 days too long, so I count the days and thank God for a new one, even if the weather is not nice.
Do you have a new years’ resolution? Will you keep it? Why bother? If it is something important to you, it should be a new day resolution and do it every day… How about if instead of giving something up, you do something nice? Every day… Think of someone, give them a call. Your child has a nice hairdo, say it. Your friend lost some weight, mention it. Someone dropped something, pick it up. It does not have to be something big like, paying someone’s rent for January, although it wouldn’t be bad, but any little bit helps to put a smile on people’s faces.
I smile just by knowing how my friends are doing. Who got a new cat or puppy or car? Or who won $10 Pearl dollars playing poker. Just love it and makes me happy.
Today I say with a smile on my face ‘Good Bye 2011, it is my pleasure to see you go’ and ‘Hello to day 1 of 2012, hope to see lots more of you’.
Love yah,
MEPS. Now this coming year we will need to get serious about our health… expect some good stuff