As most of you know I had a few hard days before heading down to Paradise, with platelets and red blood cell transfusion the day before the trip and the day we left I had a bad cough and laryngitis. Oh, well, no matter I still had a good time even though some things were left undone (for now). For those that do not have access to Facebook, click on the link below and it will take you to my facebook so you can see how much fun I did have. Keep in mind that there are a lot of more pictures but not for internet publishing…
When we left that event, we went to Caroline’s for a Rum Runner… I know, I am not supposed to have alcohol and worst rum but I just had to do it, it is tradition. While there a lady named Brenda Lee from Tennessee starts talking to me and after a few words she proceeds to tell me that she runs a ranch outside of Nashville that is for alternative medicine and learning what to eat and what do for cancer patients. Incredible, I am to call her and she will get me in if I decide to go that route. At this point and not hearing from anyone it seems like my only alternative.

Believe it or not, when we left there and continued to walk towards home it started to rain again and we pulled over a gelato store and guess what, the owner saw my port (must have been looking at my boobs) and showed me his port. He is a stage 4 cancer survivor as well and was treated by a doctor from the University of Michigan. More than unbelievable, I think God was sending me Angels to remind me that there is hope and that I have loads of options.

There are two pictures here; one is the group that we were with the night of the parade which has
Wish and Suzanne Washburn (Pat’s cousins) who live in Key West and are gracious enough to let us come and stay with them during this fun time. There are Louie and Maureen who own a sign shop called Montage , don’t miss it if you go there. Our friend Connie Martin who had come to see us in Oklahoma in late August and managed to be in Key West at the same time… coincidence, NOT; and finally my hubby as the Sugar Cane man and me. The second picture is me with my boyfriends; I have now taken a picture with these guys for 4 years in a row and I only know that because they wear the same outfit every year.
Love y’all,
sending lots and lots and lots and LOTS of prays and positive energy your way big sis....whats all this you showing your boobs off in key west :) love you loads x x x