Anticipation? MRI scheduled for today, my life depends on it, well not really but still couldn’t sleep got up twice to eat and check facebook, I could even hear my little bitty dog snore in his kennel and the big guy too.
Anticipation? Got up before the alarm went off, took a quick shower, took all my morning pills which are a lot, Pat even made me coffee (hmm?) and off I went to the hospital for my 7:00 am appointment.
Anticipation? Fill out paperwork, sign then the kid from before comes out, not sure I like this as he has pocked me before for the contrast and bruised the heck out of my arm but oh well, maybe he has learned in the past year or so.
Anticipation? First set is without contrast, lay here, head here, ear plugs, starts to roll me in the machine… I say ‘By the way, just to make sure you know I have a port on my right upper chest and boob expanders’… as indicated in the many pages filled out and signed a few minutes ago.
CRASH, OOOps, no can do, can’t do an MRI with expanders; well I know this but was under the impression that because they were so far away from the brain that it would be okay.
So, here I am at home with my empty hands, no sleep, early wakeup, even some makeup, no breakfast (will take care of that soon) and no way now to make a solid decision. No matter, I am convinced that I do not have cancer in the brain as I have not had any headaches in a week or so and if it was a tumor; they would not come and go, so there. No worries.
I will now go on with my day, my very long day.
Love y’all,
PS. And because the day is crap, here is a picture to cheer us up.
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