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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Let me be mad

I know that I wrote once about not worth getting upset, and cancer loves misery and…  whatEVER please let me vent and there is no need to respond or comment, by the time I am done writing this, I should be okay.

So the best layout plan can come crumbling down right in front of you and there is nothing you can do about it.  The plan was that I would have chemo today and in two weeks when my defenses were up, I would be in great shape to go to Dallas and be with Michelle and Kevin when Maggie had her open heart surgery (August 17th).  That was the plan.  The plan also was that by this Monday I would be okay for Pat to go on out to California and be with Michael during his hearing.  That was the plan.  The plan was that Pat and I were going to Key West for Fantasy Fest at the end of October (paradise).  That was the plan.  The plan was that the days and stars were aligned in such a way that I would be able to finish the reconstruction the first week in November.  That was the plan.

Then today, when I go for my chemo, they tell me that because my port incision has not closed, they (doctor and nurse) are concern for infection and that they will delay the chemo by one week.

What is the difference between today and three weeks ago when the port was put in the day before chemo?  That incision was wide open then!!!  Rrrgggg.  And please spare me the comments that they are doing this for my own good.  Do you know that I really don’t give a hoot about it?  That my son and granddaughter are more important than myself?  Rrrrgggg. 

Guess what, I don’t care, Pat will still go out to California as planned and I will still go out to Texas as planned and I will have chemo next week and do just FINE.  You hear me?  Good.

So there you have it, I am not always that nice little old lady that thinks all is wonderful…  I make it work so that is what I will do this time, make it work. 

Love y’all and thanks to those that sent me positive thoughts today, sorry it didn’t happen,

P.S. No comments needed but for those that have tried to place comments and lost them, know that right between the Post a comment box and the ‘post comment’ button there is a selection box that says ‘comment as’ and you need to either select a login or select anonymous before posting the comment…  Hope this helps and have a nice day.


  1. Hey you're allowed to be mad. Go on kick something. Not the cute dog though. My nephew in Kent, UK has been ill with cancer for the last 2 years and just 3 weeks ago was told that the cancer has spread to his brains. Doctor has given him 6 months. It's quite heart breaking. My prayers are for you and your family and my nephew.

  2. Sounds like a perfect day to wear your new Tank Top. 100+ degrees and a great way to send your show your feelings.

  3. I usually read the comments and not comment back but Lux and Dirk's comment made me laugh so thanks... and yes, if I go out later, I will wear my new tank top that says "F@ck Cancer"... and Lux, tell your nephew about the aloe... you never know, it might work

  4. Brooke Nafarrete Saying a prayer! Miss ya'll
    August 4 at 11:58pm

    Jennifer Romero-Pieron vent away, I think you've earned it...love you!
    Friday at 6:06am

    Barbara Vettor RRRRGGGG! What did they respond when you said it would not be any different than when the port was first installed? In any case, it was good to vent.
    about an hour ago
