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I am starting my third battle with cancer and I would like if you travel with me ...

Friday, July 22, 2011


To be honest, I only wrote that in hopes that it will cheer you up because for us retired folks Friday just means that there will be more people out in the stores and public places so we stay home.  Funny how that works, back in the days I just couldn’t wait for Friday.  Before kids it was all about Happy Hour and party over the weekend, be merry, be happy and drink.  Once kids came along, Friday was just the beginning of an always extremely busy weekend with kids, cleaning, laundry, kids, errands, cooking, uniforms, kids, sports, movies, kids; you know what I mean.  Once the kids became teenagers Friday was really a nightmare because it was now them who were going out and you (me) staying awake until they got home.  Okay, no need to make this sound so bad. 

‘CHIN UP IS FRIDAY’ and it will be a good one for you, for me and for all.  Did you know that there are people who can’t see the good in that statement?  Have you ever wonder what makes a negative, miserable person that way?  I have with no answer.  I have also wished that I could change them but I failed there too.  Now don’t get me wrong, I too meet people who are ALWAYS happy and that also makes me wonder. 

Some people believe that they are not negative but just realist and preparing for what is to come.  Some people believe that they are positive because all is good, they love and are loved.

Does this sound like the Black and White syndrome?  What about grey?  Is that a feeling too?

Here is what I do know about me and my feelings, they change each day, and that in my old age I am a huge blob of rainbow colors.  Forget the black, white and grey nothing like tickle pink, pio pio yellow or shallow green beach.  Can I control these feelings?  Yes, but do I?  Nope, although I try because I know I can, I do not always succeed and that is okay.  So here is the deal, choose what you want to feel today, if it is really how you want to feel ‘like happy’ then make it happen all day long, if it is really how you want to feel ‘like miserable’ than give yourself 5 minutes and be done because as much as I love you, feeling miserable is not the way to be, take my word for it.


Love y’all,


  1. Love it. When I saw the title I thought 'why would she care, every day should be a friday'

  2. Betina Jones-Parra, Heidi Omtvedt Hayden and Angel Baurs-Cordero like this..

    Linda Hayes Talley Cheers! I always think of the Friday happy hour with you and Pat. I will raise my glass for you tonight!
